by Hilary Stuart
There are no upcoming events at the moment.

Prior Events

July 7-9, 2023 | Paris, France
7th Annual Conference of the International Congress of Naturopathic Medicine
Presenting: Trauma, The Trauma Layering System, and the Importance of Trauma in the Diagnosis and Treatment of physical illness.

July 6-8, 2018 | London, UK
5th Annual Conference ICNM
The International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine ICNM has gained global recognition as the premier world congress for inspiring and aspiring healthcare experts committed to promoting and providing natural healthcare & wellbeing worldwide. The International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine unites annually Natural Medicine experts and academic institutions from over 55 countries to share in the mutual exchange of knowledge and provide high quality continuing medical education for healthcare professionals dedicated to patient care all over the world. The ICNM is the International Organization for Global Cooperation.
Dr. Hilary Farberow Stuart will be presenting her research on Wholehearted Healing – The Map of the Human Being both as a speaker and in the Research Poster area of the ICNM meeting. She will be available for guided commentary for the 3 day event.

November 18 & 19, 2017 | Portland, OR
Presentation at the Integrative
Mental Health Conference, NUNM
Presentation Title: Naturopathic Medicine and the Subtle Energy Body – Anatomy, Physiology, Diagnosis and Treatment from an Expanded Perspective
This presentation introduces the student to the anatomy and physiology of the subtle energy body system and its application to the individual in how it relates to the emotions, the thought patterns held in the unconscious mind and correlating symptomology held in the physical body.
Students will learn to understand physical symptomology of disease from an expanded perspective which includes the subtle energy body and its interconnection with the emotional, mental and spiritual levels.
Specifics of the subtle energy body system will be explored both theoretically through the examination of two different subtle energy body systems developed throughout the world, and personally through the exploration of their own energy system. Case histories will be presented and an exploratory exercise will be included.
Presentation will be 90 minutes.

October 28, 2017 | Portland, OR
The Dance of Light
Painting from the roots of your energy body
An exploration of color and light from within and without. Structured exercises for imagination, creativity and deepest wisdom.Deconstructing old ideas while learning to see beyond appearances. Reveal inner colour and light with paint.
Art without judgement.