Dr. Hilary Farberow Stuart, N.D.
For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated with the questions of “who we are?” and “how do we work?”.
When I was in my 20s I lived at the top of a mile high redwood forest in the Santa Cruz mountains. In a small home surrounded by majestic redwoods, oaks and madrones I learned to meditate while sitting on my porch watching the squirrels as they danced along the railing.
I had just completed my BA in Psychology from UC Santa Cruz and was taking time off before heading on to get my Ph.D.
One day, as I was sitting on the couch, looking through a magazine called the EastWest Journal, I saw a tiny ad for the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. “What is that?” I thought to myself.
I had never heard of naturopathic medicine before and couldn’t really look it up because in those days there was no such thing as a computer or a cell phone!
As I was staring at the ad, all of a sudden I heard a very clear, very strong inner voice that said, “That is what you are going to do next.” That voice was so powerful that, even though I would have to return to school and it would take me two more years to get the required science prerequisites, I enrolled the next day.
I did go on to get my N.D. in 1987 and since then have pursued many other studies in the pursuit of finding out “who we are” and “what makes us tick”. Certified in Healing From the Body Level Up, NLP and other forms of Energy Psychology, I also trained in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Cranial Sacral Therapy, and the Enneagram.

After completion of the Nondual Training for Teachers and Therapists course I became a coach in Radiant Mind with Peter Fenner, Ph.D. In 2015, I helped to create the Naturopathic Psychospiritual Collaborative, and also served as Secretary on the Board of the Center for Nondual Awareness.
I pursued many more interests – courses in brain science and more – but what I’ve learned throughout all of my investigations is that the best and most important exploration is the one where we connect deeply within ourselves and, in finding our own answers, we also find our own power and beauty.
To accomplish that it’s helpful to have a system that works with the understanding that we are multidimensional beings, and to have a guide who knows the territory from the inside out.

The Genesis of Illuminated Healing Systems
Illuminated Healing Systems – the Map of the Human System came about as a synthesis and integration of all of those years of study. It emerged after working with 100s of people who were physically ill but not getting anywhere by addressing their symptoms from the physical perspective only.

It became a necessity for me as I learned how to navigate through my own illnesses and life difficulties. It has become a “cellular knowing” for me and a great blessing.
I live in Portland, OR with my husband and now, after many years of working in the field, I am semi-retired. I love to do energy readings and meditation, paint, spend time with dear friends, family and loved ones, and travel
My years of tuning into my inner voice have brought about a deepening intimacy with the path of the Heart, the doorway to my Spirit. I am so grateful to this source of wisdom, guidance, friendship, and love.
If you are interested in speaking or working with me I welcome your contact!